10 tips to giving up sugar

— March 6, 2023 —

It’s hard to turn around these days without someone telling you that one of the best ways to improve your health is to give up sugar. The list of negative effects of sugar goes on and on—it’s linked to everything including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, inflammation, and depression. So, if you’re consuming a lot of sugar and want to cut down, here are 10 simple hacks to get there.

  1. Gradually reduce: Don’t quit sugar cold turkey, it will make you cranky and be hard to sustain. Look for the obvious culprits in your diet and start cutting there—if you add three sugars to your coffee, make it two the first week, and cut more the next.

  2. Substitute with natural sweeteners: Try replacing refined sugar with natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia. These alternatives are healthier and contain fewer calories than processed sugar.

  3. Replace candy with fruit: If candy is your go-to sugar fix, take it out of your line of vision and replace it with fruit. Fruit is naturally sweet, so it curbs the craving and contains fiber which will make you feel full. Berries are an excellent choice, as they taste sweet but are naturally high in fiber and contain healthy antioxidants.

  4. Replace sodas with seltzers: If you crave sweet drinks, switch out your soda for a seltzer with a splash of juice. You can squeeze an orange, lime, or mash up some berries. A little sweetness goes a long way and eliminates the 38 grams of sugar in a can of soda.

  5. Read labels: Check the labels of packaged foods for hidden sugars such as high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, and sucrose. Choose products with less sugar or no added sugars. Be careful, as some seemingly “healthy” products like yogurt or tomato sauce can be loaded with sugar.

  6. Eat whole foods: Eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help reduce sugar cravings and provide essential nutrients. Stay away from processed and fast foods that often contain high amounts of sugar.

  7. Cut the amount in recipes: When baking cookies, breads or cakes cut the sugar back by one third or one half you will hardly notice the difference. You can also look up sugar alternatives such as adding apple sauce or dried dates.

  8. Stay hydrated: Drinking water can help reduce sugar cravings and keep you feeling full.

  9. Get enough sleep and exercise: Lack of sleep can lead to sugar cravings and regular exercise can help reduce cravings. Both improve your mood, making it easier to resist sugar.

  10. Avoid artificial sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners can trick your brain into thinking it’s getting sugar and can actually increase your sugar cravings. Try to avoid them altogether.

The more sugar we eat, the more we want, so be patient with yourself as you cut back. The first few days may be tough, but as you stick to your commitment to decrease your sugar intake, you’ll find it becomes easier. You’ll be surprised that one day you’ll eat something you used to have all the time and claim, “it’s way too sweet!”

If you want guidance on this journey and want to develop a personalized plan to shift your eating habits, reach out to me for a complimentary coaching session to discuss how it works. Laura@IgniteWithLaura.com


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