Are you making a mountain out of a molehill?

— January 16, 2023 —

For the past few months, I’ve had an item on my “to do” list, that never gets done. It doesn’t even get started.

Since I launched this website, I wanted to develop an Instagram presence and start posting. Every day I’ve thought about it and every day I haven’t done it. I know, for most of you Instagram is a no brainer. Post a photo, make a comment, and watch the likes come in. But for me, it seems like a huge endeavor—several years ago, my personal account was hijacked. I got locked out by a stranger who took over my profile and all my followers. It was an incredible invasion of privacy, and it was impossible to correct. Instagram became something I dreaded and until recently, avoided. So even though I wanted to create a social media presence, I kept putting off starting @ignitewithlaura.

I recently realized that I’ve been making a mountain out of molehill. Yes, it’s a cliché, which means I am not the only one who is guilty of doing this. It wasn’t just the project that became humongous but my emotional state around it became way out of proportion. I felt insecure and overwhelmed.

Logically, it seems ridiculous. Isn’t Instagram supposed to be fun? Why was I so bent out of shape? I’ve found that the more we embellish an experience in our mind, the more exaggerated it becomes. Our feelings, language and actions around an inaccurate interpretation become roadblocks, and the longer we don’t take control to see things as they are, the bigger they get.

So how do we bring those mountains back down to size?


  1. Get clear on the results you want to achieve. Sometimes we get so caught up in how to do something, we get overwhelmed by all the steps and lose the point of what we want to achieve.

  2. Determine why you want to do this? It is hard to stay focused on things that don’t have an emotional meaning. Figure out why this project is important to you. How does it align with your values and purpose, and how will you feel if you don’t do it? Pinpointing your reasons at the most personal level will be your greatest motivator. Sometimes it is not just moving toward something that is inspiring but acknowledging the consequences of not doing it that may just be the push you need.

  3. Break it down into small tasks. Every journey starts with a first step. Figure out what is the best means to get to your desired result and break it down into achievable actions that you can cross of your list. Be specific so there is no wiggle room in what is going to get done during each session.

  4. Choose your words carefully. The language we use around a topic colors our perception. There is a big difference between “having to” do something and “wanting to.” As I let go of the notion that I despise Instagram, and take on the perspective that I feel challenged by it, it becomes less daunting. Check in with yourself to make sure the words you are choosing are true to your experience.

  5. Schedule time in your calendar and don’t let anything get in the way. Decide what tasks you are going to complete and when you are going to do them. Stick to a schedule.

  6. Celebrate your successes. Acknowledge a job well done and reward yourself for your accomplishments. It doesn’t have to be a party, sometimes knowing that when you are done you can go for a walk or make a call is enough to keep you on track.

So, get to it and let me know how it goes.

Post your comments @ignitewithlaura


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